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Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Family Sign Goes Back Up!

Another solid work weekend at the cabin…  we made some decent progress on - and most importantly, we got our family sign back up todayYAY!  That felt good!

Our contractor (Matt) has been making great progress during the week as well!  He has been addressing Ruby’s mold/dry rot (siding), as well as one side of the cabin that had it too.  He has gotten things cleaned up in the kitchen (under the sink, removing cabinets, etc.) and has been prepping the floors.  We don’t have a bathroom right now, which is somewhat challenging – but the kiddos are learning the art of finding a good tree!  J

We have had to change plans around, based on that crack in the kitchen – we can’t use tile flooring as there it too much risk for it to crack in the future.  Matt also thinks he has come up with a plan to shore up cabin (kitchen/bathroom corner) and stop it from sinking – which means a HUGE difference in price (vs. having to have another company do something that costs much more than it’s probably worth.) 

We painted today (bedroom and entry), and Joe also worked a lot on power-washing the patio areas.  Rachel also fed the squirrels - and we watched one of them "go-to-town" on the peanuts today (it was fun to see "who" was eating them!) 

It wasn’t raining today (finally!) so the kiddos were able to play outside quite a lot, which was fun.  We walked to the river ledge together – the river is so high right now!

We are so excited to see the planning and hard work finally starting to come together.  It will probably be another 6-weeks or so before it starts looking better, but getting closer!

It was a good day!

Going to the cabin - the kiddos are always ready to make this journey!

Leaving peanuts for the squirrels (this has turned into Rachel's job!)

Yay!  Kitchen is getting fixed - no more gross, wet, moldy "ick."

Siding replaced on "Frank."  (No it won't stay blue.)  SMILE...

"Closet painting" - a safe place for Rachel to paint.  :-)  But she actually did a great job.

The patio - getting clean!  This is such a great spot - the view is right out at the Salmon River. 
I cannot wait to spend warm, summer evenings out here!

The FAMILY sign returns!

This was my one goal for the day!  My heart is happy...

Massive, cool trees...  I remember when this one was alive - such an awesome tree.

Using yard sticks to...  (?)  Who knows...


Snack/Show - break time!

Painting the entryway

Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Cabin Weekend

We were able to put in two days at the cabin this weekend (well, all five of us on Saturday, and then just Luke and I went up on Sunday, after church.)

I cannot tell you the good feelings I have about this cabin…  AND THESE SENTIMENTS after a very tough week in finding out the new “glitches” and “money-pit” items that we ran into from our contractor’s viewpoint.  But tonight, as we were putting the boys to bed, they were talking about the cabin – summer – friends – fire pits – river walks – being able to finally sleep up there…  It is “magical” to them, and I know keeping the cabin in the family, was the right decision.

Our contractor went up and did a lot of demo work.  Kitchen cabinet removal, bathroom vanity demo, removal of the floor “stuff” that we couldn’t get up.  He also worked on the cabin siding (removing the rotted plywood, etc.)  BUT, he let us know that there is a bad crack in the kitchen floor – one that will impact our ability to use tile.  So, we either need to use a flooring that isn’t our #1 choice and/or have “specialty” people give us a bid on fixing the foundation.  UGH.  The words “fixing the foundation” makes my blood pressure soar (I can literally feel it.)

But he said – back in “the day” the DIY jobs, worked, but not something that would be up-to-code requirements now.  Totally understand that… and my great-grandfather did this as they had money – as a side project.  So, certainly wouldn’t expect it to be rock solid 70-years-later.  It was, after all, “a true mountain cabin.” 

So, we are working on all of that now.  Decisions, priorities, budgets, etc.  This isn’t our first re-model rodeo though, so we sort of know the ropes.  And we want this done right – no temporary band-aides.  So we might have to make some trade-offs.  We are praying and hopeful we can get all of this figured out okay (given we really would like to be able to use it in the “near” future.)  For us, this investment is about family/friend time.  But – I am also realizing that the “time” we are investing in “working” up there – is just as cool as the time we will have to enjoy the finished product

Saturday =
It was POURING down rain.  I mean pouring…  so outside projects were not an option. 

We tested some floor removal “stuff.”  Spent no time at all on it, after realizing it was pointless.  Tar doesn’t come up (even after watching YouTube DIY videos showing otherwise.)

Samuel tested another paint color (though he needs some skillset improvements on his attention to detail.)  J

We moved a bunch of  our stuff into Ruby (some main items that we needed to get shifted for the remodel.) 

Rachel left some peanuts for the squirrels!

Sunday =
I honestly had no plans to go up on Sunday, but started thinking about it while in church....  so oscillated and finally decided "yes."  But we had to stop by the paint store, so we didn't leave until 12:30pm or so.

When we got there, Luke and I painted!  We had one goal in mind, and that is all we focused on.  And we were still back home in PDX, by 5:20pm (one of the reasons I love this location.)  We are now 80% done with that room, and it felt good!  It was a beautiful, sunny day today, which made it all-the-better -  Mt. Hood was glowing with sunshine.

We also were able to go “sneak” around the brown cabin a bit.  There have been visitors up there all weekend (we think they VRBO it) – but they left before we headed home.  We couldn’t see in much (drapes were closed) but it looks like they have left a lot of the “same” décor in there.  SIGH… sort of hard, but also glad we are still right next to it!  Luke and I talked about the history on the way home.  He said he wanted to save his money so that he could “buy back” the brown cabin.  He is a sweet boy…


Dining Room

Testing Paint Colors


Feeding the squirrels
Kitchen cabinets gone - and the "ick" getting cleaned up.


Stopped at Starbucks (of course!) 

Love him!  I didn't know he was painting this on the wall.  :-)

Almost done painting!  The river is in this view!  :-)

The Brown Cabin (after the cars finally left!)

The While Cabin:  Frank & Ruby (3/19/2017)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

I stopped, paused, and smiled tonight...

I stopped, paused, and smiled tonight.  Sometimes you look back on a “big” decision you made, and question it; even regret it.  But every new moment we make at the cabin (thus far) has reinforced the decision we made to purchase it from my parents (and thankful that we could even entertain the idea to keep in it the family.)  We all get home tired, dirty - and Joe and I always know that there are still a TON of things we need to get done at our own "home."

But the bond this experience is creating for our crazy family-of-five, is something pretty cool.  And maybe it helps me have a bit of connection to the way I was raised:  expected to work hard, pitch in, help out on the farm - but at the end of a long day, knowing you did your part to make things a little better.

The kids are amazing me (and I mean this so genuinely) that they just have this crazy desire to contribute.  They always have the option to “take a break” and watch a show (we setup blankets on the concrete floors, with the OLD TV + DVDs.)  But they truly just want “a job” to do instead.  So sometimes that means the adults have to make up a few things for them to do, but I am realizing that is okay. :-)  I am just thrilled they love “going to the cabin” and want to help, regardless of the task. And this morning, Samuel woke up in a super, great mood, just knowing a trip to the cabin was in store after the basketball games.  How cool is that?

So, today we went up mostly to check on the gutters/and Ruby’s roof (she is the outbuilding.)  We had our contractor go up yesterday to remove the moss, as the pitch is really steep, and he also replaced gutters.  So given our "fight" with State Farm, we had to take some pictures (fingers crossed for the outcome!) Joe power-washed her and the kiddos all helped take a hammer to the moldy drywall, and they LOVED it!  Luke ran into Frank (the main cabin), at least 3 times, telling me I needed to: “go see what they had done” and that: “daddy just knew what he was doing – he was a real worker!” :-)

Rachel helped me test some paint, sand the living room floor (test), and put some peanuts out for the squirrels (which SO reminds me of my grandma – because we had a little wood platform build on a cedar tree – and it was always kept filled with peanuts!)  

We had hoped to order a pizza from the Zig Zag Inn and eat it at the cabin tonight, but we were a bit late getting up there today (given b-ball games and traffic), so we opted to head home (with the added daylight savings tonight.)  But everyone was in a really good mood when we got home – and my heart was happy.

So – there is a lot of work ahead, but we are sort of at “the ceiling” for what we can do as complete amateurs…  (Unless of course, it entails ordering fun cabin décor online!)  I would love to say that I learned 100% from watching my dad who was one of those “guy-guys who could take a pocket knife and build a shopping mall.”   But we have our limits, so we have our contractor lined up – and hoping he  can get moving next week!  We have a long list of bids, ideas, and trade offs.  And - we have to make some tough decisions on life-priorities, to make some of the upgrades happen, so praying as we go along.  But so far, the “gut feelings” have been positive on the choices, and we are so excited for what is in store for this special little cabin!

Okay so here is what I know you all want to see… the pictures!  :-)   A good way to spend a Saturday afternoon... indeed.

Frank & Ruby, 2017
RUBY:  Removing the moldy drywall (because it's fun!)

RUBY:  Gets a much-needed bath!

This is no girly-girl... :-)

Peanuts for the squirrels

The River Room


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Roofs, Decor, and More!

We were able to take my mom up to the cabin on 3/5, after church.  We went to the 8am service, and then headed up.  It was a nice day, and I hadn't been up there with my mom in so long.  Joe needed to work on the roof - will share that story in a moment...  we tested some paint, pulled up some tack strip & baseboard, and then took a walk with the kiddos to the river.  It was fun to get mom in the cabin, given she has had "limited access" over the years as a landlord.

THE ROOF:  We had a note from State Farm that said "the policy will expire on 4/7/17."  WHAT?  WAIT A MINUTE.  SERIOUSLY?!  (And this after I was the one who proactively reached out, wondering if everything was completed.)  Why would you insure something at the purchase/closing date, and then question it?!  From DAY ONE we had been in communication with our local agent, to let him know we were working on things - it was SNOWING, that we had a plan to get it taken care of...  blah, blah, blah...  Anyway - I was upset (livid?) given we have been State Farm customers for over 22 years.  But being the "don't leave anything to chance" kind of people we are...  We had to get up there and get focused - and Joe stepped up to the challenge (with Samuel's assistance.)  We aren't all that excited about using a power washer on the roof (my dad taught me otherwise) - but desperate times, call for desperate measures.  The results?  "Frank" (the cabin) looks fabulous!  Ruby (the outbuilding) needs a bit of attention as the pitch is way too steep to have "amateurs" up there (Joe tried!) so the experts are supposed to be there tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that State Farm agrees he did a great job...
3/5/17:  Joe and Samuel working to clean the roof!

3/5/17:  Looks SO much better!  Moss removed...

THE MEMOIRS:  My Aunt Carol sent us an envelope with all of her "WHITE CABIN" memories written down!  How fun it has been to read through them...  We now have some of the history to share with others who visit!  Pretty cool...

RUBY:  My mom found a picture of Ruby Scott (Fortner), when she was 18 years old.  It is in the original frame from Lipman Wolfe & Co.  And that got me looking up more history (which is all fascinating to me and I had to Google it:  "Wolfe opened a new store in Portland, re-establishing his business. Floods and space limitations forced the store to move three times, the last of which was in 1912, when the flagship store was opened at Fifth and Washington Streets. The new store was just across the street from Meier & Frank's flagship store, sparking an intense rivalry.")

Ruby Scott, 18-Years-Old (Born 1890, so this was ~1908.)

DECOR:  We also had some COOL snow shoes from the BROWN CABIN, that my mom and dad still had... I think they were my Aunt Carol's at one time?  So those are going to go back on the wall in the LITTLE WHITE CABIN!  And tonight while walking through the Craft Warehouse, I spotted this picture.  PERFECT.  I love this art... and this one was perfect.  So it shall go next to those snow shoes.  :-)

SIGN:  Since I can remember there has been a sign on the driveway that leads to both cabins.  We always had a "Wilkens" one hanging up there.  It was taken down when the BROWN CABIN was sold, and it made my heart a bit sad.  So one of the very first things we did was have a new sign made, that will go back up there!  BIG SMILE.  It might be one letter off - from the original, but close enough! 

From Last Sunday:  With Grandma Sharon.
3/5/17:  Grandma Sharon with the Family